Host_Mark-5 : Vickie... Just so ya know :D
Sysop_vsi : Host_Mark-5 : nobody, I will send a
Sysop right away! one moment please. <------ what is that???
Host_Mark-5 : to let him know you were helping
Sysop_vsi : just a heads up....YOU don't SEND me anywhere!
Host_Mark-5 : Yes'm
Sysop_vsi : and while i have your attention....let's just straighten something out............
Host_Mark-5 : k?
Sysop_vsi : you on another chat service?
Host_Mark-5 : huh?
Host_Mark-5 : Like MSN groups?
Sysop_vsi : no
Host_Mark-5 : I'm on Pets to Pets ?
Host_Mark-5 :
Sysop_vsi : no
Sysop_vsi : like nsm, zeus, etc.
Host_Mark-5 : :S no
Host_Mark-5 : like msn yes.
Sysop_vsi : then where exactly are you a sysop? and where do you go to get into the room koach test?
Host_Mark-5 : I'm on it now... right?
Host_Mark-5 : I'm a sysop with my group
Chad423_37620 is away.
Sysop_vsi : groups don't have sysops
Host_Mark-5 : and I heard that the room koach test was the staff room, I tried it once, but I was banned.
Host_Mark-5 : my group does we have guides, sysops, etc
Angelkiwigirl7 has joined the conversation.
Host_Mark-5 : Like hockey_mum, prn, tinytoga, and higgy are sysops, loc is a guide, etc
BattleBot has made Angelkiwigirl7 a Participant.
BattleBot has made Angelkiwigirl7 a Host.
Sysop_vsi : you may have the name, but not the authority....and that's not my point
Host_Mark-5 : ok :S
Sysop_vsi : who's sysop_phantom?
Host_Mark-5 : sysop phantom? dunno...
Fiddle_Stixx is away.
-Kassarah- : hi miss kiwi (F)
Host_Mark-5 : should I know :S:S :$
Angelkiwigirl7 : hi kass:)
Angelkiwigirl7 : (F)
Sysop_vsi : i have received several complaints about you claiming to be a an "override" code that just so happens to be 4 of the six characters in your password for battle_bot
Host_Mark-5 : over ride code?
Sysop_vsi : aw come on,'re nailed and you know it
Host_Mark-5 : eh?
Host_Mark-5 : If I was a sysop, I would have a butterfly.. not a brown hammer.
Host_Sarge_MCSE has joined the conversation.
Host_Mark-5 : and I post my histories.. wouldn't it be in there if I said tha?
Host_Mark-5 : *that
BattleBot has made Host_Sarge_MCSE a Participant.
BattleBot has made Host_Sarge_MCSE a Host.
Host_Sarge_MCSE : Hola A Todos
Host_Mark-5 : hello sarge
-Kassarah- : hi sarge (F)
Host_Sarge_MCSE : How is everyone today?
Angelkiwigirl7 is away.
Fiddle_Stixx : about to eat LOL
Host_Sarge_MCSE : Me too actualli I just ordered a (pi)
Sysop_vsi : 1. you're NOT a sysop on MSN...and i know that LOL
Fiddle_Stixx : sounds good..
Sysop_vsi : 2. your claims aren't being made while you're hosting
Host_Mark-5 : then may I ask when they are being made :$
Sysop_vsi : 3. i have numerous logs of your activity
Sysop_vsi : sure you can ask....but you already know....on messenger
squirral56 has left the conversation.
Host_Mark-5 : on messenger?
Host_Sarge_MCSE is away.
Host_Mark-5 : Vickie I have honestly no idea about this, but if you would like me to leave for good I will :'(
Host_Sarge_MCSE has left the conversation.
Flying_jock1 has joined the conversation.
-Kassarah- : hi jock (F)
Host_Sarge_MCSE has joined the conversation.
BattleBot has made Flying_jock1 a Participant.
BattleBot has made Flying_jock1 a Host.
Sysop_vsi : actually, you don't have a choice....and just for future's the over-ride code that nailed your case shut
Flying_jock1 : HI KASS
BattleBot has made Host_Sarge_MCSE a Participant.
BattleBot has made Host_Sarge_MCSE a Host.
--green--eyes-- : i was in 60s sarge
--green--eyes-- : you need something
Host_Mark-5 : eh?
--green--eyes-- : i jsut left there
Host_Mark-5 : ok vickie :S
Host_Sarge_MCSE : oh ok ...I need to talk to you in whisper
--green--eyes-- has returned.
Host_Mark-5 : if anyone wants to add me
Host_Mark-5 : It's been nice hosting with you guys.
Host_Mark-5 : And I will miss you all.
__skip_tracer : bye mark
Host_Sarge_MCSE : Bye Mark
Flying_jock1 : BYE MARK
Host_Mark-5 : :'(
Host_Mark-5 : Bye vickie.
--green--eyes-- : i banned one chatter for 15 minutes and another for stating she was underage
Host_Sarge_MCSE : did you look at the profile?
AgelessBot : Flying_jock1 is now hosting in 50s
Host_Mark-5 : take care all. I will miss you :'(
--green--eyes-- : no our rules say if they post they are underage OR if the profile says they are underage they get banned 24 hours for underage
Host_Mark-5 : It's been fun, but I can see I'm not wanted
Host_Mark-5 :
-Kassarah- : bye mark
Host_Sarge_MCSE : oh..ok...I didn't hear that part from them
Host_Mark-5 has made Host_Mark-5 a Spectator.
-Kassarah- : (Y) dottie
Host_Mark-5 has left the conversation.