ya know its been 11 days since we had our lil gmail conversation with abuse@godaddy.com, we never heard a word back from them and no we werent surprised to see that godaddy has done nothing about the online chatroom spammers that they are hosting like we one we found in msn chatroom afterhours7 this morning. same url and everything as before. hmmmm
guess its time to play the godaddy stuck on stupid routine again...
From: msn blogger
To: abuse@godaddy.com
Cc: spam@uce.gov
Bcc: blogging.msn.chat@gmail.com
Date: Dec 19, 2005 8:53 AM
Subject: abuse
GODADDY.COM: this website which you host is spamvertising; link
spamming to online chatrooms: pornography. please would you terminate
service to:
pornographers whos websites you host are parking on the msn chatline
(chat.msn.com) pornobots which are impersonating real chatters but in
reality are spamvertising and link spamming pornography (commercial
porn) to the chatline through their msn member directory public
profile to wit:
msn chatnickname: Kute_N_Kudlee1
online chatroom spamming/link spamming in including but not limited
to msn chatroom AfterHours7 8:28 am est
monday 19 december 2005
msn chatroom afterhours7 chatroom url:
msn member directory public profile url: (please note that this msn
member directory public profile has been turned in to msn for
investigation and as such might return an "Unknown Member value by the
time you process this complaint)
it is a violation of federal laws to distribute pornography:
18 USC Section 1462. Importation or transportation of obscene matters
18 USC Section 1465. Transportation of obscene matters for sale or distribution
please obey the law.
screen shots + this email blogged @