Thursday, October 26, 2006

evil host corner

an anoymous commentator left this in a thread.
we might add that theres nothing more refreshing or encouraging than to finally see people waking up to the truth and more importantly accepting it:

Letter to Vickie in the Host Playground by a host quitting

this was removed in the playground


I think your post to Dee was uncalled for. Why are you so mean and cruel to the hosts who said hello to you on a daily basis and never got a hello back from you?
I personally never got 1 single hello from YOU either. In fact , just as recent as this morning you have ignored me twice.
These hosts, Including myself - hosted for YOU diligently and followed all your rules.
To be treated as you treat us is beyond my expectations of a good person.
We have ALL been very nice to you VICKIE, and to get the cold shoulder treatment from YOU is mean, cruel and not very nice.
There are MANY of us hosts who were extremely nice to YOU and were concerned about YOU when MSN was closing chat.
This is what we get? THE COLD SHOULDER!
You aught to be ashamed of yourself for treating us as poorly as you do.

As for Dottie - Well - She's in a world all of her own and I've seen her rip hosts apart in HC several times and start debates - She's done it with me.
ie: when I asked a question I didn't know - She would put me down and the rest of YOU would make jokes about it.
She did it to Raven in HC on Koach just 2 days ago. I am done with that IDIOT.
As MANY of us are - We have learned to just tolerate her stupidity and learned to laugh at her, not with her.

Vickie -I've canceled my membership because I want no part of you anymore because of the way you have treated me !
I was loyal to you and this is what I get!
Why do you think Koach has NO chatters? DUH ! It's because of YOU and the poor treatment we ALL get !
You're a sad - lonely woman Vickie !!!

You need help WOMAN !!

I suggest you get it!

Get a lawyer - you MAY need 1 some day !
here is 3 screen caps from my hostcorner chatlogs. in the 1st one you will see vickie and how she responds to dottie and see how she kids with dottie about sheilding her. I loved vickies emails post that night about the 400+ emails. remember vickie uses a macro in her emails and can handle hundreds of emails in just a few mins, and remember vickie ignores most emails as well. remember its important for her to give the impression she is always too busy to just have a normal chat with the hosts.
click pictures to enlarge

the 2nd screen cap was very troubling to me to watch and still makes me angry to this day. A host had entered chatnewyork to try to handle a problem there and did not follow vickies rules. As I have said before vickie should have just ungavled the host and told the host they needed to get some more education in proper hosting. but what makes me mad is that the CHA NYstewart had stalked into the chatroom and had pasted the chatlog to vickie in her messenger. and watching stewarts comments made me "and still does make me " sick. I found out later NYstewart and this host had had some issues in the past and stewart had him fired.

The last screen cap is the one that is the main reason I make comments about kassarah and vickies relationship. a host named alpha was having problems in a room. he was not hosting and was having a very hard time because he was being disconnected. If you notice kassarah is working in the background and she even leaves the hostcorner for a bit. but if you notice she comes back in the hostcorner and starts in on the host about having to many names in the room. by this coming back it looks like kassarah and vickie had been in a conversation in messenger while all this is going on and just after she returns vickie fires this host. so how did kass know he has multiple accounts in the room hmmmmm, and why did kassarah come back to the room hmmmmmm it seems to me that vickie shared this information and told kassarah she was going to fire this host and I guess kassarah came back to watch the show. I have not been able to find this chatter alpha to ask his side of all this. but I am confused about something here. 1. if alpha was disconnecting himself and you need scripts to do this dont it make sense alpha would know vickie can see this? I think vickie saw a few accounts in the room and just fired the host for no reason. This realtionship that vickie had and has with kassarah, dottie, NYstewert and some of the other CHAs is not kosher and in my opinion vickie has at least violated a company privacy policy with them. please feel free to post my email.
