Tuesday, October 24, 2006

more host corner secrets revealed

UPDATE For 2013 This site says it will expose BeguilingMyst as a very dishonest and deceptive chatter and host and likely an internet sex troll and con artist that all chatters and chat sites should be aware of and on the lookout for.

www.whokilledchat.blogspot.com Link submitted by email.
our emailer writes..
."As you read these chatlogs pay attention to a host DaughterofDiscord, --Dottie-- and finally Vickie (Sysop_vsi). This is a prime example of what I have been saying in your blog about Vickie and the CHAs. In this chatlog you will notice --Dottie-- starts the fight with the host, then because she has no real issue with this host brings up something that happened in the past. then after --Dottie-- makes the host mad I guess --Dottie-- gets ahold of Vickie tells her about what had happened and Vickie fires her. Whats troubling to me is Vickie fires this host for her attitude and its --Dottie-- that started the fight to begin with. After reading this series of logs you will see what I mean"
click pictures to enlarge

according to our emailer:

"This is Vickie showing the world that she is biased and will always take her
"chosen ones" over clear evidence of their being wrong. Remember the
comments about Vickie having narcissistic personality disorder? Read these
chatlogs and watch this on display. See how Vickie talks down to the host
and makes the case that she is superior and --Dottie-- has done no wrong? If you
read the logs carefully you will see where Vickie calls the attempt to get
Vickie to understand that --Dottie-- is an idiot a campaign. This chatlog is
funny but sad too."
click pictures to enlarge

heres another host corner secret we recently received via email:
Coming accross your website I thought I might share with you a recent tale from Hostcorner, it only occured recently (in about July - August) but here is what happened:

CHA's -Kassarah- & -Nan_ along with -kiwigirl7 (who was not yet a CHA at this time) and Grr_Said_The_Tiger were all plotting to get CHA BeguilingMyst fired. It seemed the 4, who were the Hostcorners modern clique by the way, did not like Beguiling and set to work to get her fired. A situation one night in Hostcorner occured where BeguilingMyst scolded a host for violating a rule (no worse than what Kass or Nan had done in the past) and the four quickly scooped the log up, edited it slightly to put Myst in a bad light and sent it to Vickie. Numerous complaints from Nan, Kass, Kiwi & Grr to Vickies inbox later and nothing was done about BeguilingMyst, it's apparent that Myst was VERY high up on Vickies pecking order.

It was alleged that Kass and Nan tried to have Myst fired because they wanted Kiwi or Grr to replace her as a CHA.

They didn't manage to succeed with Myst, so they set to work on Daintreedave, who was an easy target. It was these four who were behind Dains firing in which Kiwigirl replaced him as a CHA, so in the end the vicious little clique got 50% of their way.

Nan and Kassarah were extremely bitter, nasty, vicious women. Nan put on such a kind front in Hostcorner but she was pure venom behind your back.

Just something I thought I would share.