Monday, October 16, 2006

the admin_koach joke redux

according to msn a chat "admin" was someone who was in charge of administering the entire chat line.

admin_koach sat in the msn chat help desk on away (in his cup) 24x7 and allowed organized crime gangs to park multitudes of pornographic advertisements (not so) cleverly disguised as chatters called pornobots in every room on msn chat. it was so bad that it seemed that everyone (regular chatters) knew who the porn and prostitute bots were but msn management.

msn closed its chat service according to a commentator here at 7:13 am pst today. yesterday admin_koach opened a room called "koach test" for everyone to come and say goodbye and chat about well chat.

whats so shocking is that these are the very people who are responsible for the destruction of chat yet what do these empty headed chatters do? instead of repudiating koach and sysop_vsi and the rest of these criminals, they go in koachs test room and kiss his ass profusely. lol. they are so sad that they actually want to be hosts on his new chat server. people that use msn products are the stupidest people in the world.

now we learn that ol admin_koach has opened his own chat server. guess the porn and prostitute rings have to have a place to go.
