Saturday, February 25, 2006

possible change in chat management

we dont have any faith in microsoft/msn they have proven time and time again to be managed by a bunch of moronic, uncaring, unthinking imbeciles. according to this article msn might move among other things msn chat over to windows live, this will amount to more of the same incompetent managment unless and until microsoft/msn terminate the current chat managment - systems.

Microsoft announced through MSN's corporate VP Christopher Payne, having bought MotionBridge, thus adding value to Windows Live.

MSN's corporate Vice-President Christopher Payne, at the 3GSM World Congress 2006:

"The emerging field of mobile search is strategically important and crucial to delivering on our vision for Windows Live of providing a seamless and rich information experience for individuals and businesses across devices."

"With MotionBridge, we are excited to continue to offer mobile operators the tools to maximize the value of their content and data networks, and provide a powerful search engine for mobile users. By combining the mobile search solutions of MotionBridge with Microsoft mobile search instruments such as local and Web search, we will provide mobile operators and consumers with an even richer search experience."

Bill Gates and Paul Allen's Microsoft will also get MotionBridge's contracts with Sprint, Orange and O2 Ltd, for delivering internet search technology on mobile devices.

Chances are Microsoft will move the internet search, e-mail, and chat services from the MSN logo to Windows Live.

Other giants venturing into the mobile internet search industry are Google and Yahoo, all looking to set their market share of it.

Fragments of Redmond, Washington-based software giant's Windows Live have been in early beta since Nov 1, 2005. After these betas, Microsoft's Windows Live is probably looking for attracting part of MSN's 440 million unique users per month, while still keeping revenue in the same household.

It remains to be seen whether mobile search will join the trophy room where stars like Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Xbox, the MSNBC cable television network and the MSN Internet portal can be found.