UPDATE For 2013 This site says it will expose BeguilingMyst as a very dishonest and deceptive chatter and host and likely an internet sex troll and con artist that all chatters and chat sites should be aware of and on the lookout for.
www.whokilledchat.blogspot.com Link submitted by email.
heres some screen grabs a few readers have sent in:
click pictures to enlarge
lol@ what this host "BeguilingMyst" wrote "Let's let MSN know that vickie's hosting team was the BEST DAMN group ever in MSN CHAT Hosting History." what a crock. if vickie and her team were so good then why where chatters and subscribers leaving msn chat in droves? common sense will tell you that good management would have attracted customers and there would be even more chatters. the truth is that vickies management was terrible actually, with all the pornspam and abusive hateful chatters about which nothing was ever done one could safetly say that vickies management was criminal. most of the hosts were clueless and the really bad ones were never fired. lets hope that vickie and the admin_koach joke get jobs bagging groceries somewhere.
in this screen grab we have a host that prays to vickie and wants her to "officiate" his online marriage ceremony. how freaking lame is that?
maybe if the hosts would have concentrated on hosting instead of making fun of chatters names from behind their comfy private groups, chat would have been better.
heres a recent host corner screen grab.