Friday, January 06, 2006

msn host doesnt pay for chat

we really arent stalking this ding-a-ling she just seems to show up whenever we are around and she never ceases to amaze us with her unprofessional childish antics. like last night for she is hosting an msn chatroom (representing msn) and announcing to the room that she doesnt pay the 19.95usd (16.42eur) yearly subscription fee. so heres clair who holds herself out to be the msn answer girl and she doesnt even think enough of msn chat to pay the subscription fee. hmmmm...


AngelsFall20 : Hi I'm Claire, The Host8-, If You Have Any MSN Questions(M), Please Feel Free To Ask!:-* Thanks. :-$
-__-Tinman-__- : MSN always screws up like that
AngelsFall20 : True.
AngelsFall20 : I didn't start the MSN Chats.
AngelsFall20 : Its just a service that i host for.

chat log here