Sunday, November 20, 2005

host corner copy - Saving, Zipping, Posting Histories

Saving, Zipping, Posting Histories

It is highly recommended to post all unedited chat histories when you host. This will be the only acceptable record of your hosting session should any questions arise at a later date.

Since your space is limited on communities, you will need to zip your histories. You will need to use a program such as WinZip (found at The evaluation version is free.

Saving Histories

Hosts should never edit their histories in any way. Editing will render the history invalid. **EXCEPTION** You SHOULD remove ONE line before posting! Remove "Note: MSN has detected that you are connected to this chat session from the IP address [user's IP address]"

• Right click in the center of the chat page. Choose "Select all".
• Right click in center of chat page again. Select "Copy".
• Open Word or WordPad, new document. Click on "Edit", select "Paste".
• After you have pasted the chat history into a new word document, click on file/save as and then save the history with the file name of Room Name, Time (In Eastern), and Date. For example, if you hosted in 40s main on November 30 from 3-4pm, the file name should be 40s 3-4pm 11-30-99.
• Click on the down arrow beside "save as type" and choose Rich Text Format (.rtf).
• Save the file to your desktop or a folder created to save histories in.
• Close Word or WordPad.

Zipping Histories

• Right click on desktop
• Create a new folder
• Name folder (for example 20s-30s 8-9-00 1-2 pm)
• Put saved histories in folder
• Right click on folder
• Select "Add to (name of folder).zip"


• Find the message board on the left navigation bar that holds your message thread based on your area (TheLobby, AfterHours, 20s-30s, 40s, 50s-60sPlus, CitiesEast, CitiesCentral, CitiesWest, Men4Men, Women4Women) and then your hosting nickname (i.e. 20s-30s host with the nickname of ABCD would click on “ 20s-30s _A – F”).
• Find the message with YOUR HOSTING NICKNAME.
• Click on "Add a Reply".
• In the body of the message put your Host nickname, room, date, and time you hosted.
• Click on "Attach a file to the message".
• Click on "Browse" and find the zipped file on your desktop. Highlight, open, click on “Attach this file”.
• Click on "Send".